Student Life

Co-curricular Activities

Discover Your Passion!

In addition to the core programme, Saltus offers numerous clubs and activities to enhance their experience in many valuable ways throughout their Saltus journey.  

Co-curricular activities are designed to help students find their passion and complement their learning journey. Whether based in athletics, service learning, the Duke of Edinburgh programme, or the range of clubs offered at Saltus; each student has the opportunity to explore options that encourage their creativity and dedication.

Saltus has built a reputation for its outstanding Athletics programme. For more information about our Athletics Programme, including our Saltus Elite Athletic Programme (SEAP) please visit our webpage.

Service Learning
In keeping with our mission, we consider community service an important part of our programme.We hold various events throughout the year to support local and international charities including: Keep Bermuda Beautiful (KBB), Red Cross, St. John Ambulance, SPCA, and many more. There is an expectation that Grade 6 students complete 5 hours and Grade 7 & 8 students complete 10 hours of community service per academic year. Students in Grade 9 and Year 11 are expected to perform 15 hours of community service a year. Community service in SGY is a requirement of Graduation.

SGY1 students are expected to perform a minimum of 20+ hours although this does not have to be in just one institution/charity. There is an official school form that must be signed by the relevant institution on completion of the service and returned to Advisors.

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
Senior students are given the opportunity to enroll in the highly prestigious Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. In Grade 9 all enrolled students will work towards earning their Bronze Award while the Year 11 students are given the opportunity to earn their Silver Award. Community service hours completed during Duke of Edinburgh will count as their community service requirement.

House System
In 1931, when Henry C. Cox was Head of School, he instituted the ‘House System’ using the names of Trustees who had a long association with the school. To this day, Saltus students are still divided into these four Houses: Butterfield (green), Darrell (blue), Watlington (yellow), and Saltus (red). Siblings are placed in the same House and if a parent is an Alumni of Saltus their children will be placed according to the parent’s House. The students will earn points for their House and represent their House in various school events meant to enrich the school community through friendly competition. 

Our Mission is to inspire a passion for learning and independent thinking through a commitment to academic excellence, personal integrity and service to others.