Giving with Purpose

Direct Funded Initiatives

Direct Funded Initiatives

When you contribute to one of these funds, you are funding the urgent needs and immediate opportunities for our students and school.

List of 6 items.

  • Head's Discretionary Fund

    Our Head's Discretionary Fund is a vital resource that allows Saltus to respond quickly and effectively to areas where support is needed the most. Contributions to this fund give us the ability to adapt quickly and ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive, no matter what challenges or opportunities arise.

    By giving to the "Head's Discretionary"  Fund, you are directly supporting the areas that make the biggest and most immediate impact on our students and our school’s future. It is a powerful way to make a difference where it matters most!
  • Programme Assistance Fund

    Our Programme Assistance Fund is designed to provide additional support to students who are already receiving financial assistance but need help with essential school-related expenses. This fund helps cover costs like uniforms, technology purchases, and school trips—ensuring that all students, regardless of their financial situation, can fully participate in the Saltus experience.

    By contributing to the Programme Assistance Fund, you are helping to remove barriers and making sure every student has the tools and opportunities they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom. Your support truly makes a difference!

  • Scholarships and Bursaries Fund

    Scholarships and Bursaries Fund at Saltus are life-changing opportunities that open doors for deserving students who might not otherwise have access to our unique educational experience. These funds directly support students based on demonstrated financial need, ensuring that talent and potential are never limited by financial circumstances.

    By contributing to the Scholarships and Bursaries Fund, you are empowering bright, motivated students to thrive at Saltus, regardless of their background. Your generosity helps shape their futures and enriches our school community by fostering diversity and excellence. Together, we’re investing in tomorrow’s leaders!

  • Student Experiences Fund

    The Student Experiences Fund at Saltus supports extraordinary opportunities that go beyond the classroom. Whether it’s participating in an international debating tournament, joining an extra football league, or representing Saltus in a national art exhibit, these experiences are what set our school apart. They provide students with unique opportunities to grow, explore their passions, and represent Saltus on a broader stage.

    By supporting our Student Experiences Fund, you help create these exceptional moments that propel Saltus into being an extraordinary school—one that recognises the power of unique opportunities to shape our students into well-rounded, confident individuals. Your contribution ensures our students can embrace every opportunity to excel!

  • Programme Innovations Fund

    The Programme Innovations Fund empowers Saltus to stay progressive and embrace the evolving nature of education. We believe that in a constantly changing world, it’s essential to teach our students in ways that will carry them through life—equipping them with the skills to thrive no matter what the future holds.

    This fund allows us to continuously innovate our programmes, ensuring they reflect the changes happening around us. Just as we ask our students to be flexible and adaptable, we as a school must be willing to evolve. Your support of our Programme Innovations Fund ensures Saltus remains at the forefront of educational excellence, preparing students for success in an ever-changing world.

  • Capital Improvements and Learning Environment Fund

    The Capital Improvements and Learning Environment Fund is essential for maintaining and enhancing the spaces where Saltus students learn, grow, and thrive. From modernising classrooms and updating technology to creating inspiring outdoor spaces, this fund ensures that our physical environment matches the excellence of our academic programmes.

    By supporting this fund, you’re helping us create cutting-edge learning environments that foster creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Your contribution directly impacts the quality of education at Saltus, ensuring that our facilities continue to inspire both current and future generations of students. Together, we’re building a better future for Saltus!

Our Mission is to inspire a passion for learning and independent thinking through a commitment to academic excellence, personal integrity and service to others.