
FAST (Financial Aid and School Tuition)

FAST (Financial Aid and School Tuition)

*What is FAST? FAST (Financial Aid and School Tuition) is an external company located in America. FAST does not decide whether financial assistance will be given or how much to give. FAST provides a need-based financial aid analysis service which includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably contribute toward tuition. All information from FAST is kept confidential. Results are reviewed by the Saltus Financial Aid Committee and, after analyzing, the budget decisions are made and financial aid offers are sent to families.

To be considered for Financial Aid you must apply each year. To begin the process, please click here

Pertinent Information Regarding FAST
  • Select ‘NO’ when asked about Household Tax information. This is relevant to US citizens only.
  • Most recent payslips are required and can be uploaded through FAST where is states ‘Upload more documents’ or by emailing them directly to the Director of Enrolment. Ignore FAST requests for uploading US Taxes.
  • Click here to download the Parent User Guide
  • The application process is self-guided. You may navigate in and out of the program allowing you to partially complete an application and go back to it at another time. Online e-mail and a 24/7 helpline is provided through FAST by email or 1-877-326-3278, Saltus Grammar School is not able to provide guidance in completing the application.
  • The charge for the application is $60.00 and to be paid by credit card at the end of the session
  • The online submission deadline for all applications is 31st January in the year preceding the year in which aid is being applied for
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